We Study for Abundant Life!

There’s a best-selling book out there about life. Maybe you’ve heard of it. Compelling stories, amazing characters, inspirational messages, just for starters. It’s a can’t-put-down read full of hope, peace, comfort, strength, promise and a surprise ending. Study it with us.

Let’s Journey Through Psalms (Len Walker)

Ready to empower your prayer life? Want to strengthen your daily devotional life? Find answers in Senior Pastor Len Walker’s 8 week study of Psalms. The class includes a powerful teaching video from Dr. Sandra Richter, the Chair of Biblical Studies at Westmont College. You’ll experience inspirational group discussion and independent study. Join us at 4:30 p.m. each Wednesday in McCormick Hall

It’s a Matter of Joy! (David Apple)

What will you decide? Shall we live in a constant state of worry, stress and fear? Or, is there something better, much better to take its place? How about choosing outrageous joy through Jesus! This is the recurring theme of Reverend Apple’s-led study of Philippians, the book of joy itself. This study can be supplemented by Charles Swindell’s Laugh Again: Experience Outrageous Joy. Jon this lively, joyous, entertaining, but reverant look at this New Testament book filled with hope, love and wonder. Join us Wednesdays at 4:30 in the Boyles Center.

A Prayer Encounter: Rediscover the Impact!

Developed and hosted by David Apple, and filmed around Big Canoe, A Prayer Encounter is a compilation of virtual training sessions used by churches and Christian leaders in various locations worldwide. This amazing experience can be used by individuals or groups to help rediscover the impact of praying with adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication and focuses on understanding to Whom we pray.

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Men's Study

C.S. Lewis was one of the great Christian thinkers of the 20th century. Through more than 30 best-selling books his audience reach was vast, and still attracts thousands of readers and students each year. The Men’s Bible Study meets the second and fourth Tuesday each month to share personal reactions and impressions in a lively and thoughtful environment.

Women's Fellowship Study

Led by Big Canoe resident Holly Lundberg, the Women’s 9:30 a.m. Bible Study runs from September 15 through November 10. The study includes Dr. David Jeremiah’s new book “The Jesus You May Not Know: Take the Journey from Knowing About Jesus to Knowing Jesus.” Study books are available for $10. The study is held in the Chapel and is also live -streamed.