There’s a Lot to Know About Big Canoe Chapel.

And a lot to love, too. That’s our hope, anyway. Spend some time in this section. Learn about our vision, and our faith. Read about our staff and a history that dates back to the early 1970s. There’s much more you may want to know, but let’s begin here.

Our Vision

Our vision is to grow people’s relationship with God, who draws us to Himself in Jesus, and with one another through worship, education, outreach, fellowship and involvement.

We embrace core Christian beliefs and traditions, and affirm the authority of Scripture and the importance of prayer, all in a multi-denominational setting.

The Chapel will always provide a compassionate and caring central focus for the Big Canoe community, and gladly share the monetary and human resources, entrusted to us by God, to reach out to people in need, both at home and around the world.


Multi-Denominational Statement

The people of Big Canoe Chapel have and continue to embrace one another without regard to differences in denominational background or bias. Setting aside those differences, as professed followers of Jesus, we focus on the many, many things that unite us. Worshipping with one another and caring for one another; we respectfully choose to serve alongside each other.

Through our personal relationship with Christ, study of the Word, and led by the Holy Spirit, each of us will seek to represent the Body of Christ and help others grow in grace. We will intentionally extend the love and reconciliation of Christ to all.

Senior Staff

Introduction to our Leaders

Medical Equipment

Are you in need?

Chapel Library

Need a Book?

Meditation Park

A place for Peace

Our Statement of Faith

We believe God exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God the Father is father of the whole family in heaven and earth with unlimited love, justice, and power.

God the Son, Jesus Christ, has always existed with God the Father. He entered human history by a unique birth and thus became totally human and yet completely God. He lived a sinless life, and was crucified and died. The third day after His death, He returned to life with a recognizable physical body. After further teaching of His disciples and being seen by hundreds, he ascended into heaven with a promise to return.

God the Holy Spirit moves along and within all people to convict of sin, convince of God’s truth, love and justice. The Holy Spirit witnesses to the glory and saving power of Jesus Christ and personally indwells believers to enlighten, comfort, and empower.

The Bible is God’s inspired written word given as the only infallible and authoritative standard for faith and life.

Every person was lovingly and purposefully created in the image of God bearing unique qualities and potentials. However, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God through self-will resulting in spiritual death and separation from God. Rebirth and reconciliation to God are possible through Jesus Christ, who died in our place on the cross. Every person who turns from his natural state of rebellion and self-will and receives Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is born again by the Holy Spirit to new, abundant life now and forever. All such believers are brothers and sisters in Christ and compose the Church. We are promised God’s help in growth and Christian fulfillment. We are commanded to love each other and minister to each other. As we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we discover our own gifts, special places of ministry, so that we all are a vital part of the Body of Christ, the Church.

Did You Know?


Church in the Wildwood

Literally started in the early 1970s, a small group of worshipers met each Sunday in the wild, natural beauty of Big Canoe.


Breaking Ground

The ground-breaking for our Chapel was on July 19, 1977 and the target date for completion was set for Christmas Eve of that same year. What a leap of faith!

Learn More about Our History

Bell and Bell Tower

The Chapel bell has always been a welcoming sound at Big Canoe;