We combine traditional guided Bible study with explorations of contemporary issues confronting Christians today and our Chrstian heritage. Our formula for learning is class dialogue and we value studies that encourage open discussion. Our goal is to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ and with each other. Class volunteers prepare and lead each discussion selected from our own curriculum committee. Lesson books or printed materai is distributed in advance. We learn from each other in a relaxed class atmosphere. We spend time enjoying each other and praying for each other. We meet at 9:00 a.m.
ZOOM with this wonderful class of caring, worshipful people who are enthusiastic about scripture study! For now this class meets each Sunday via the popular online video conferencing technology, Zoom. What began during the Covid pandemic, Grace Walk continues to meet online to remain engaged with former class members who have moved or relocated, and others who are not able to attend worship classes in person. Currently, Grace Walk is studying the book of Romans. Classes begin at 8:45. Everyone is welcome to join this inspirational study. Contact Randy Case at iharp@windstream.net to be added to the Zoom invite. We hope to see you soon!
"Traditions" remind us of where we came from, who we are and who we’re likely to become. There is real beauty in tradition and so it is with the Seekers Sunday Christian Study class. Traditionally, Seekers study the Bible, the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible. The Bible is our only reference book. Bible study has been our tradition for over 22 years, learning from Genesis through Revelation, that God’s word is as applicable to our currrent daily living as it was centuries ago. In-depth discussion, inspirational lessons, facts and explanations of scripture bring us closer to God and his love for all of us. The hour-long Seekers class is also a tradition of providing a sense of comfort and belonging, a time to share needs, concerns and prayer requests. Guest speakers also join us every fifth Sunday for in-class dialogue. Traditions remind us of many things. Seeking God’s truth is a tradition at the heart of our class Family. We meet at 10:30 a.m.
The more we get to know God, the more we love him,so each Sunday we come together and study His word to learn more aout who He is, what He has done in the past and what He has promised to do in our lives as well. We take a book by book approach as we look at books in both the Old and New testaments. We often try to study an Old Testament book along with a New Testament book to gain a better understanding of both. As we study together, we also learn to love and pray for one another, and share fellowship time outside of class, such as quarterly lunches. We seek opportunities to serve our neighbors here and around the world with hands-on help and monetary contribtuons. Join us as we learn to love God more as we grow close to Him and each other. We meet at 10:30 a.m.