Open to all women, Big Canoe Chapel Women’s Fellowship is a welcoming community-wide organization whose activities enrich members’ lives and create a legacy of caring and giving in the North Georgia area.


BCCWF has something for everyone! We invite you to join us as we continue our tradition of service to others: fundraising for local charities, opportunities for spiritual growth, outreach to the community, and events that foster the friendships so vital to our members.

Announcements 2025 Schedule


All women from Big Canoe and the entire surrounding area are welcome to be part of our dynamic group of inspired ladies. It’s easy to join. And there are no dues! Just click the button below, give us some information about yourself and submit! Welcome!


Women’s Fellowship is always on the move with exciting activities, caring ministries, and opportunities to serve our community and Chapel. So much is happening, in fact, we have our own monthly newsletter, brimming with news, information and updates to keep our membership always apprised and in the loop. It’s available online at the beginning of each month and you can learn more right here. Better yet, become a member and you will get the newsletter emailed directly to you each month!


Luncheons, retreats, workshops, fundraisers, and fabulous guest speakers -- just a few of the popular events conducted and sponsored by Big Canoe Chapel’s Women’s Fellowship. Check out all the activities by clicking the events button here.

Charitable Giving

The Women’s Fellowship is proud of our “legacy of giving” over the years in supporting 30+ local charities devoted to helping women and children in north Georgia. We continue to be grateful for the support we receive from the Big Canoe community for the multiple fund raisers we offer each year.

Spiritual Growth

Throughout the year we provide many opportunities to grow spiritually. Several dynamic Bible studies are offered and are posted here when they become available. In addition, the Fall Retreat is a popular event for members and guests. Click here for more information.


Outreach programs of the Women’s Fellowship give members numerous opportunities to volunteer in our community.

Questions about Women's Fellowship?