Our symbol for the Big Canoe Chapel Endowment Fund is a mighty tree with a strong root system that sustains itself and provides growth and shelter for years to come.

A Future Trust. A Living Legacy

Big Canoe Chapel Endowment Fund serves as a self-sustaining source of funding beyond traditional annual giving through tithes and offerings. Gifting plans include a variety of options including bequests. beneficiary designations, stock transfers, and many other strategies. Providing a gift to the Chapel’s Endowment Fund will ensure God’s work at Big Canoe Chapel will continue now and for generations to come.

Joe Dodd Endowment Donation Fund

Make a gift to the Joe Dodd Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Commitment Promise

Download the Commitment Promise Application which allows you to make a commitment to the Big Canoe Chapel Endowment

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Endowment Distribution

Download the Endowment Distribution Proposal which allows you to propose a Big Canoe Chapel Endowment distribution

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are some planned giving options for Big Canoe Chapel Endowment Fund?

The Chapel’s Endowment Fund is uniquely suited to accept and coordinate a wide variety of planned giving strategies which you may discuss with your estate or accounting advisors. Listed below are a few ideas to consider:

  1. A bequest in a will (easily added with a codicil)
  2. A gift of real estate or intangible property
  3. In kind transfer of appreciated stock
  4. Designation as beneficiary of life insurance or IRA
  5. Charitable gift annuities
  6. IRA annual minimum distributions
  7. Charitable remainder trust designation
What is the benefit to Donors and to the Big Canoe Chapel?

First, you leave a lasting legacy with a gift to the Big Canoe Chapel Endowment Fund. The feeling of making a “difference” is a very personal benefit. Your donation creates a principal base for growth. Through careful and conservative management of the Endowment Fund, the earnings from investments will “endow” the Chapel’s current and future ministry for years to come.

Additionally, some of the planned gifting options may offer potentially significant tax benefits to you. As with all questions in an environment of changing tax regulations, advice from your accountant or estate attorney is essential. Inform them you would like to support the Big Canoe Chapel Endowment Fund and discuss the best options available to you. There could be potential savings in your estate probate as well as some relief in capital gains taxes.

What choices do I have to make?

Once you make the decision to provide an endowment gift, you will need to make a few choices. Most donations to the Endowment Fund have been unrestricted gifts. This allows the donation earnings to be used where needed for purposes deemed necessary by the Endowment Committee and the Board of Trustees. It is hard to tell what the future will bring and what needs will come with that unknown future. These donations are “undesignated” and allow the most flexibility for the Chapel’s future needs.

Some donors choose to “designate” a special area of interest. A few examples would be missions, worship & music, scholarships, etc. Currently we ask these donations be at least $5,000. If you have a specific area of interest, please speak to a member of the Endowment Committee to discuss your options.

Other donors wish to memorialize a loved one and make a donation in their memory. Currently we ask these donations be at least $25,000. These donations are called “Named” donations and may be “undesignated”, available for use where needed most, or “designated” for a special use.

How is the Big Canoe Chapel Endowment Fund different from my annual Tithes & Offerings?

Annual Tithes & Offerings support the Chapel’s operating budget. Those day-to- day expenses include everything from utility bills to staff salaries as well as the budgeted missions and outreach programs. The Finance Committee and the Board of Trustees set the annual budget every year for the Big Canoe Chapel.

The Big Canoe Chapel Endowment Fund covers special programs, missions, and unanticipated needs which are NOT included in the annual budget for the Chapel. A couple of examples would be the purchasing of equipment to allow Big Canoe Chapel to broadcast their services, and the design/redesign of Big Canoe Chapel website.

The Endowment Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Board of Trustees carefully oversee the process of review and approval when these funds are used. Just as in Isaiah 61: 3, with the mighty oaks, our goal is to “bestow beauty instead of ashes, joy instead of mourning, and praise instead of despair.” We seek to show God’s righteousness as we make Endowment Fund decisions.

How do I contact someone for more information or with questions?

A member of the Endowment Fund Committee can be reached by contacting the Big Canoe Chapel office. We would be happy to meet with you or to simply answer your questions and provide more information. If you are considering a gift to the Big Canoe Chapel Endowment Fund, we have a Commitment Promise Application for you to review and complete. Thank you for your prayerful consideration of the Big Canoe Chapel Endowment Fund. Your step of faith in supporting this Fund will be a blessing both now and for years to come. You will leave a lasting legacy.

Big Canoe Chapel

Telephone: (470) 273-6768



Mailing Address

10455 Big Canoe
Big Canoe, GA 30143

Physical Address

226 Wolfscratch Village Circle
Big Canoe, GA 30143