Christmas at Big Canoe Chapel


If you’re looking for ways to fill your heart with Christmas spirit, look no further than Big Canoe Chapel, the ‘Heartbeat of the Community.’ Christmas at the Chapel is a time of great anticipation, excitement, fun and inspiration. Every week, from December 1stw through Christmas Eve, December 24th, Big Canoe residents and guests will find Christmas joy for every family member. Join us for incredible music, beauty, words of marvel, and candlelit services of hope, faith, joy, peace, and Light. Read about all the activities here.

Daily Christmas Readings

Take advantage of reading Scripture, a short personal devotional that helps us focus on the significance of Christ’s birth and a prayer for that day.

Tuesday, November 27, 2023

Daily Scripture will begin Sunday, December 1, 2024.

Christmas at Big Canoe

Sermon Messages

Daily Readings

Bible Readings


Sundays of Advent

The Peace Light

Peace Light of Bethlehem

Christmas Services

Christmas Eve Services

Christmas Events